Bedside Manners
COVID: It ain’t over
Is the pandemic nearly over and is the SARS-CoV-2 virus [...]
Cracks in the half-full glass
Italy’s glass-half-full status in managing the COVID assault is beginning [...]
Italy’s two COVID faces
Italy continues to represent something of a paradox when it [...]
Giovanni’s head (or, the vaccine game)
It’s official. Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has announced his [...]
Booing England, hailing Italy
With typically wry humor, the English came up with a [...]
No sweetness in sight
The aggressive nature of COVID-19’s so-called Delta variant — it [...]
On Sinovac, Delta, and gaps
Scores of countries, especially in the developing world, have based [...]
Italy’s on time
Successfully persuading a population that its best interests are best [...]
No final word on masks
It is remarkable, and not at all cheering, that a [...]
Pull the plug on AstraZeneca
There's no other way to put it: AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine [...]
On rules and AstraZeneca
Now that millions of us have been fully vaccinated, we're [...]
A season for mutants
Many people are asking the same question about the growing [...]
“Bedside Manners” Author
Susan Levenstein, MD, moved to Italy in 1978, and in 1980 founded a Rome practice that has thrived since. She maintains both a professional site and a personal blog titled Stethoscope on Rome In 2019, Paul Dry Books will publish her book “Dottoressa“ about her adventures practicing medicine in Rome.