By dint of "room to roam" and write and be, the peregrinating Tina Marisa Rocchio breaks boundaries while crafting a room of her own as a female writer.
I know that normally everyone in January chants “New Year, New Me.” However, it seems like reviving past trends is the thing of the [...]
I remember being about seven years old staying up until midnight with my family. The thirty-first of December 2012. Champagne bubbles in Mom's flute [...]
The challenge of making friends with people who already have their own group of friends — now, that might be something you thought you [...]
Too close for comfort
An author who grew up in Washington, D.C., recalls watching jets and helicopters closely bunched in the gloaming sky and wondering, "What if . . . ?"
New Age dinosaurs
In a clever but ominous piece of reporting, London’s Financial Times suggested that by the year 2100, the wine regions of Europe as they [...]
Waiting for the barbarians
In 1992, historian and biographer William Manchester published a powerful, if brief, popular history of medieval Europe and how a continent then so steeped [...]
Joe and Elon
Those who consider the wrecking ball duo of Donald Trump and Elon Musk a new and dystopian development in American politics are wrong. Though [...]
In Case You Missed It
Tragedy or comedy?
A question came up recently whether the films “Parasite” (2019) and “Kinds of Kindness” (2024) should be considered comedies or [...]
Confessions of an opinionated cook
I am a seasoned cook of some odd years, much too numerous to mention here. The cooking saga began at [...]
Turnpike beauty
I don’t think anyone has ever said the New Jersey Turnpike is beautiful. But this morning it is. An encyclopedia [...]
Chronicle of Clignancourt
In April 2024, my university’s Palestine Committee, comprising (but not limited to) students, began to organize general assemblies (assemblées générales [...]
Review: “The Vegetarian”
Originally published in 2007 and praised for its layered, Kafkaesque surrealism, The Vegetarian by Han Kang received the 2016 Man [...]
Daddy done gone
Robert Frost staked out a childhood spot as a swinger of birches. Me, I was a Frankenstein swinger. Long before [...]
Photo essay: Cody rodeo
Life is a dot-to-dot. After graduating from an East Coast university in 1987 where I studied journalism, I found [...]
Horrors of December
You may consider the Christmas season a time of fun, and while most Christmas traditions are sweet, especially the ones [...]