February 8, 2025 | Rome, Italy


  • Although, as C.S. Lewis noted, "any of these chances [of divergent life events] might have kept us apart," there's quite a lot to be said for serendipity.

  • By dint of "room to roam" and write and be, the peregrinating Tina Marisa Rocchio breaks boundaries while crafting a room of her own as a female writer.

  • I know that normally everyone in January chants “New Year, New Me.” However, it seems like reviving past trends is the thing of the [...]

  • I remember being about seven years old staying up until midnight with my family. The thirty-first of December 2012. Champagne bubbles in Mom's flute [...]

  • The challenge of making friends with people who already have their own group of friends — now, that might be something you thought you [...]


Essays by Christopher Winner

Too close for comfort

An author who grew up in Washington, D.C., recalls watching jets and helicopters closely bunched in the gloaming sky and wondering, "What if . . . ?"

New Age dinosaurs

In a clever but ominous piece of reporting, London’s Financial Times suggested that by the year 2100, the wine regions of Europe as they [...]

Joe and Elon

Those who consider the wrecking ball duo of Donald Trump and Elon Musk a new and dystopian development in American politics are wrong. Though [...]

In Case You Missed It

Tragedy or comedy?

January 24th, 2025|

A question came up recently whether the films “Parasite” (2019) and “Kinds of Kindness” (2024) should be considered comedies or [...]

Daddy done gone

January 3rd, 2025|

Robert Frost staked out a childhood spot as a swinger of birches. Me, I was a Frankenstein swinger. Long before [...]

The American Mag

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