Area 51
Runaway truck
My latest cleaning lady is like a heavy-load truck with slashed tires that keeps on coming. She’s Bulgarian by birth, [...]
Buone cose
Language is at its best when it spits at by-now universal idioms. France of another era insisted it would never [...]
“I want to die”
My friend’s line had me by the throat: I want to die. I get it in phone calls and in [...]
Because you can
Since the West went to war to excise its two cancers, Nazism and Communism, its moral compass malfunctioned, jiggered by [...]
On Kissinger
My father roundly disliked Henry Kissinger. Hindsight suggests this was prompted, at least at first, by the young Kissinger's more-than-willing [...]
Misunderstanding General Giáp
Amy Bernstein was over and under and into the moon, and I was, by chance, the only boy within reach [...]
Vengeance unleashed
Israel makes war under the cover of a legacy of victimhood. With impunity and at times indiscriminately, it attacks all [...]
The lunatic
I am the madman of my apartment block. I have this propensity that is entirely un-Italian: I leave my front [...]
The basement war
In June 1967, I was a scaled-down Moshe Dayan in my bunker-like basement. Like the Israeli commander, I wore a [...]
A shell game
As a child, I collected souls (but it was only when the deities slumbered). It mattered little that I [...]
The great Great Falls mystery
I am not Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, or Philip K. Dick, writers who contemplated the imagined as a matter of [...]
Humoring depression
Like a lounge lizard on mean-street rounds, depression makes itself at home with carcinogenic panache. Panache inverted to suit goblets [...]
Paris-born Christopher P. Winner began his long journalistic career as sports editor of the now-defunct Rome Daily American in 1975.