Too many and too close
Encouraged by a steady drop in the number of severely ill COVID-19 patients, Italy unlocked its citizens for the first [...]

Do masks scare COVID?
The time has come for me wade into the coronavirus mask controversy with a minority viewpoint. The American Centers for [...]

Home, sick home… maybe
Italians are flexible, resourceful, and sensible. These are the traits that are serving them well as the coronavirus crisis continues, [...]

The fall of Lombardy
The wildfire spread of the coronavirus pandemic in northern Italy is still not fully understood. The return of many Chinese [...]

The never-ending sickness
Scientists around the globe are scrambling to find a pharmacological fix for COVID-19, the disease caused by the world-stopping coronavirus [...]

Exile on Main Street
On April 14, 2010, the erupting Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland spewed a giant cloud of ash that grounded airplanes across [...]

That damned virus
Rome is living through a strange time. Its streets, usually packed at this time of year, with Easter looming, show [...]

Don’t mess with tetanus
Long before I went bottoms-up in the Nile, the medical perils of southern Sudan had landed on my head — [...]

The Nile? Bottoms up!
You can take a boat up the White Nile from the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, but there’s no guarantee you’ll [...]

The research game, alla Italiana
Throughout 1980, when my Rome medical practice was just getting under way, money barely trickled in — those were the [...]

A date with destiny
For Goethe, Italy was the idyllic land of golden oranges. For Bertrand Russell, its beauty could lift any depression. Franz [...]