Miss Print
My daughter, Rebecca, has an überweird junior high school English teacher. Those are her words, not mine, since I’m stuck [...]
Keeping it real
California is an Officially Weird Weird state. I sometimes get the feeling it was colonized by disciplinarian aliens who tried [...]
Belovid Dad
My nuke-powered teen daughter is lovid with me. No, not livid. That would be too easy, and Rebecca backs away [...]
Brave new verbs
Long time, no see — or something like that. What happened? We moved. And moving takes all the fun out [...]
Looking for CRAD
My daughter Rebecca knocked on eleven’s door for at least two months before emerging from a series of Zoom meetings [...]
Don’t worry, be happy
I was busy sitting around at home waiting for a Zoom call on toothpaste slogans when the text buzzed in. [...]
All in a name
If you listen to my daughter Rebecca — and let me assure all skeptics I have no doubt but to [...]
Why aren’t you a zombie?
Just before Christmas my daughter Rebecca and I each contracted the dreaded disease. Since dreaded diseases are celebrities in this [...]