So Cool
Europeans toward the United States is not about American character or culture.
Hey, approximation is bad policy except when it's the policy.
Dream On
Things were bad in 1968, until a few men in a spacecraft made an audacious spin around the moon.
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The women lived in an apartment loyal to wood — tables, armoires, ornate chairs, and bookcases.
American Idol
Obama's appeal in Western Europe has nothing to do with policy, per se.
Boys will be boys, but how they go about doing so can change over the decades.
Eyes cast downward
Worries about America's willing to police the liberal world order are no laughing matter.
Chance of severe thunderstorms
By dismantling the Iraqi army in 2003, the United States opened the door to future shock.
Italian state TV, operatic and a bastion of bias, now has a cohort in America.
Shopping malls and bonus cards recede, along with an ocean, when a lorry hits home.