Back in Detention Hall
Let us for a moment set aside all political realities. Let us view the 2024 American presidential contest not as [...]
Notes on the latest newz
Webster’s defines propaganda in the most straightforward of ways: “The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of [...]
It’s money that matters
An Italian friend and media consultant returned recently from a pan-Arab news broadcaster’s conference in Tunis with some sobering insights. [...]
Tranquil terror
As I lie in bed humbled by the disease that will soon blind me, I am reminded of a [...]
The unending men
Who dies of quaint old age in this live-forever century? Those who half a century ago looked at modern medicine [...]
For what it’s worth
The war in Gaza presents critical thinkers with keen and complex dilemmas, many brought to the fore by fierce anti-Israel [...]
No solace in yesteryears
Nostalgia is a congenital liar. It makes gilded that which was not. I take as examples my seventy-something Italian friends [...]
In his near-desperate quest to regain the American presidency Donald Trump differs from many of his predecessors. He not only [...]
Lunatic campaign
Half a trip to the American lunatic fringe came with Donald Trump’s unlikely flirtation with the idea of running for [...]
A Rome memoir
In August 1968 my father ferried me from Washington to New York and deposited me on a nonstop Pan Am [...]