16. Spain: Telefonica
The road to Telefonica began with a seemingly benign afternoon walk. My father, restless on a Saturday in September in [...]

15. Spain: O Rey
When two young women behold you standing stark naked and upright in a bathtub, and after their ritual sudsing of [...]

14. Spain: Fallen Salt
When I asked my father why we would be boarding a giant car headed to a place far outside the [...]

13. Spain: Batido boy
Oh, how I loved Calle de Serrano, the nearest bustling boulevard to our house on Calle de Nunez de Balboa. [...]

12. Spain: To catch Entonces
I have lizards to thank for teaching me to accept loss and disappointment on a daily basis. They taught me [...]

11. Spain: Matalo!
Even before we left for Spain, murmurings about this “thing” known as Catholicism had taken up residence in our Washington [...]

10. Spain: Noble Notsies
Once my Franco-American private school had rid me of my French ways — I was born in Paris and spent [...]

9. Spain: Rules by the mostest
The very first thing that struck me about living in Madrid, Spain was that the newspapers were in Spanish. I [...]

8. Travel to Spain: French Pirates in Libya
When the time came, leaving London became a story about a corrupt king. But as all matters in my young [...]

7. Travel to Spain: Jolly Good!
When my father first announced we would be going to live in Spain, he also explained that we would be traveling [...]

6. Memories of Truancy: Firebug
If alienating the local fire department and turning my beloved cats against me wasn’t enough—and it wasn’t—I soon set higher [...]