British blundering?
Around Christmastime, a newly mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2, formally known as VOC 202012/01 – let's call it VOC for short [...]

Present arms!
The approval of effective COVID-19 vaccines in the United States was supposed to herald a massive opening salvo of preventive [...]

M for Moderna
Though drug maker Moderna's announcement of its mRNA-1273 corona virus vaccine came a day after Pfizer made a similar (and [...]

The 90 percent solution
A doctor is also a medical scientist. And all scientists need to factor in a healthy dose of skepticism before [...]

Italy and COVID: Strike two
Advocates of the so-called herd immunity strategy to combat the novel coronavirus might want to take pause from their declarations [...]

Best of times, worst of times
Amid the West's travails with COVID-19, a not-so-little detail is often passed over. Almost miraculously, the pandemic hasn't found much [...]

COVID-19: Paranoia is your best friend
The Russians claim they have the world's first effective coronavirus vaccine and have dubbed it Sputnik V, as if we [...]

On COVID deniers and schools
In June, while I was in quarantine in Rome after returning from the United States, a prominent Milan intensive care [...]

Help is on the way
The coronavirus has been a disruptive force in education the world over, both personally and academically. By now, everybody wants [...]

COVID: The Rome test game
Now that I'm finally back in Rome after months of California exile, it's time to address a few basic coronavirus [...]

The Italian “correction”
Italy is now that much closer to knowing the full impact of the coronavirus. The March COVID-19 death toll, based [...]