Pregnant, paused
When your cousin gets a painting on the subject of eggs, try not to make assumptions.

When your nephew doesn't like what you have on your Kindle, say as little as possible.

Newbie frage
When trying to get from Milan to Turin, beware Linus and train station spitters.

Acting in, acting out
When the Prince of Denmark & Co. lose it, are they misbehaving or acting out?

Mrs. Joel N. Stein
A change of heart yields an epic decision (sort of), but honey, what's with the N?

My father’s abuse
You may be victim of childhood abuse but not know it, so check your passport.

The truth about liver
What's a celebratory year without Memory Day and Uther Ring's Bird Day?

Radical Tittle
When in doubt, have darts installed, or maybe a few small Canadians and a rear eye.

È volato dal tetto!
When dubbed action heroes get going, tits and roofs inevitably fly with them.

Fettucine with 11 cockroaches
If you're hungry but your meal is, um, delayed, get ready for a special treat.

Street of Hilly Flour
Sometimes, all night service, whatever it's called, can come in handy.