Goodbye to all that
The author bids a bittersweet farewell to her "accidental" vocation of Rome tour guide.

A Toulouse-Lautrec print brings back sharp memories of a murdered brother.

There are times when two languages come together to take your breath away.

Freckled, dazed and exhilarated
Harry Potter was as much a companion as a fictional character. Which makes what he's up to now less interesting.

Give me my heroes
When it comes to 21st-century anxiety, seek refuge in superheroes like modern Madeline and Stone Age Ug.

Crushes of old
A writer's love of Michael Phelps resurfaces just in time for the Rio Summer Olympics.

The chipped arrowhead
A veteran translator appraises her "hardening," otherwise known as maturity.

Fitbit waits
How a gift given in passing became a creation capable even of rekindling a love affair — with a city.

The art of conversating
Two people exchanging ideas can be a joy — unless you happen on an Italian mansplainer.

Shaped by trains
The sound of memory comes in many forms, and sometimes travels the rails.

Lady Gertrude
A doe-eyed guest is one thing. A doe-eyed pregnant pigeon you fall for quite another.