20. Female Trouble: Things Fall Apart
If the end of the Jurassic Period marked the beginning of the end for the dinosaurs, my twelfth birthday (two [...]

21. Female Trouble: A Post-mother life
The surge of female trouble that culminated, at least for me, in my mother’s decision that she would not be [...]

22. Female Trouble: Samantha the Wise
After I interrupted Tony and Sarah in their anatomical machinations in my garage, and was humiliated as a result, I [...]

29. Father Knows Best: The End, or One End
If books end, so do phases of life, though they refuse to stop blending, one with another. The London excursion [...]

30. Beach Dreams: Wilmington Avenue
There is no knowing why they picked that house, little more than a shy yellow cottage recessed from Wilmington Avenue [...]

31. Beach Dreams: Trailways
To get to the little yellow cottage by the big Atlantic sea required a bus that made many stops and [...]

32. Beach Dreams: Castle Strategies
Our yellow cottage was possessive of its rooms. It had but three: a large bedroom, a smaller one, a cupboard-sized [...]

33. Beach Dreams: The Sway of the Toe
Beach life came with pleasures and admonishments, the latter (including the widespread failure to venerate my castle projects) I simply [...]

34. Beach Dreams: Jane Be Good
In June of 1959 my favorite beach car was made by a company called Nash. I came upon my favorite [...]

35. Beach Dreams: Axis
The place where the boardwalk ended, a carpet of stitched-together matchsticks surrendering to endless, disinterred sand, seemed to me like [...]

36. Beach Dreams: The Last Summer
My family’s annual June sojourns at the Wilmington Avenue cottage in the resort by the sea covered four years, from [...]