My daughter the eco-warrior
Rebecca, the exceptional daughter of columnist Joel Stein, learns that plastic is a great peril to birds, and so becomes the next great child eco-warrior.

Tales from my cul-de-sheep
Let me start with the spoilers: No, this is not about Rebecca. Yes, the authorities were called. Yes, men in [...]

REM Twitter
My increasingly scary 10-year-old Rebecca has officially entered her "Elon Musk" phase. It was probably there all along, just waiting [...]

Mirror shots
When I finally reached a deal with my daughter to get an iPhone, or some derivation of it (she gave [...]

Enough with the corpses!
I sometimes take a break to watch old episodes of the crime show "CSI", which started out focusing on a [...]

Unprecedented! Historic! Rebecca!
As some of you may know by now, my 10-year-old daughter takes precocious to another level. She especially loves watching [...]

Oh, Wiki, spare us
My 10-year-old daughter Rebecca has become a devotee of Wikipedia. She's renamed her tablet Wiki and spends hours scrolling through [...]

War on Death, trending
Like many people on our delightfully benighted planet I've had no choice but to have COVID on my mind. Waiting [...]

My daughter the antibody
As a single father to a 10-year-old girl I've learned it’s a really smart thing to find a secret place [...]

Rebecca and C-Bro
My daughter Rebecca has her first boyfriend and he goes by the name Casey, or Case: "it depends on how [...]

Someone call the emperor
American football these days is much about brain health. If you happened to be an alien examining our barking species [...]