February 12, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Eat my head

Teenage Rebecca Stein is going through a crisis or two — pretty terrible ones at that. A crisis called acne. A crisis called weight. Her father, Joel Stein, thinks she looks okay.

Miss Print

My daughter, Rebecca, has an überweird junior high school English teacher. Those are her words, not mine, since I’m stuck [...]

Gag order

My daughter’s iPhone has gone rogue. As in Manchurian Candidate rogue. As in Darth Vader rogue. As in AI (read [...]

Keeping it real

California is an Officially Weird Weird state. I sometimes get the feeling it was colonized by disciplinarian aliens who tried [...]

Pet tales

In a previous state in a previous life, Crumpet the dog and Zombie the cat prowled our domain. They’d each [...]


We just adopted a kitten. For reasons known only to ten-year-olds, the cat was immediately named Moo, which if I [...]