Gaika’s ghettofuturism
Brixton artist Gaiko Tavares takes the nightmares of social discord seriously.

Dour glazing
"Preoccupations," formerly known as "Viet Cong," is back with an impressive "non-debut."

Equiknoxx to Honecker
New recordings from Jamaica and Germany help make sense of musical roots.

The Avalanche returns
With the release of " Wildflower," an Australian band finally ends a 16-year drought.

Beginning with Ben Lukas Boysen
The new album by the Berlin-based electronic producer and sound designer is a resonantly emotional experience.

Golden mean Radiohead
The Oxford quintet has returned to lure listeners into the fault line between twitchy anxiety and unknowable melancholia.

Turning Japanese
Nisennenmondai (postpunk) and Boris (grunge) bring Japan's rich fringes to the forefront.

Lamar and Kano
Kendrick Lamar's "untitled unmastered." and Kano's "Made in the Manor" hit their marks.

Another Africa
Mauritius past and Durban present in two new and off-the-beaten track collections.

The women of Savages
In "Adore Life," the London-bred post-punk band improves on its sound.

Dozzy and Caragnano
On "Sintetizzatrice," Donato Dozzy and Anna Caragnano show the beauty of distortion.