Porn and the man
When I was growing up, I would have been shocked to imagine the exchange that follows. It's not that sexuality [...]

Revisions, big and small
What makes up individual mental health is a stormy enough topic on its own. But add the complications of a [...]

All my food in vain
Can cooking ruffle a relationship? I didn't think so, but then again I eat out often, and when I'm at [...]

Other people’s messes
Can you live with other people's messes? It's a question I've pondered with my husband, usually after being at the [...]

T-Rex in your bed
Pets are a relationship mainstay, right? What's a love affair without a dog or a cat? I'd taken pets for [...]

To love is easy and therefore common — but to understand — how rare it is! L.M. Montgomery, from the [...]

The fizzle
Questions about love, dating, and relationships are frequently tossed my way. Never mind my own less-than-perfect relationship record, or that [...]

When she falls for her
Coming up with clear answers when people ask questions about heterosexual breakups is hard enough. Add gender issues and it [...]

Did I say you could sleep with me?
In 2014, an interviewer asked venerable British actor Michael Caine about the secret of his 40 years of marriage to [...]

Always the bridesmaid
The idea that pleasing or deferring to your partner comes ahead of all else can land you alone.