Crybaby world
The death of a beloved dog and a son's departure for college can bring on a therapeutic reaction: tears.
My dirty secret
Donald Trump is American vulgarity in all its glory, and people can't get enough of it.
Drama queen
Some say "no drama" when it comes to relationships. They might as well also be saying "no life."
The emotional superhighway
Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are in vogue, but where's their emotional intelligence?
The nostalgic nomad
A British author who wrote nearly a century ago aptly defines the elusive mood of non-belonging.
All grown up
Social norms and law associate adulthood with financial responsibilities, but is that the real measure?
Exhausting intimacy
Too little sleep and too much flying can lead to an unexpected choice of pillows.
Butterscotch candy
The presence or absence of loving grandparents can give shape to yearning as life goes forward.
When you get to heart of who friends are and the role they play, Facebook can drop off the map.
The walker
A walk — not a workout or power walk — can help inform a wanderer's worldview.
Bulls and apes
Attending a bullfight in Lisbon puts a viewer on the receiving end of bloody chess moves.