The pill bottle
When snooping on a partner leads to a surprising discovery, your problems are just beginning
The missing “one”
The ghost of Christmas Past, aka an important lost love, can undo all cheer, if you let it.
Cha-cha-cha-cha changes
Trying to hold on to a man who doesn't want to be kept is foolish, futile and an expression of low self-esteem.
Love and politics
What to do when dramatic disagreements over a president mar an otherwise stable relationship?
When insecurity knocks
Taming a man's often irrational bouts of self-doubt can be both painful and time-consuming.
An unbalanced equation
Being there for an unhappy married made inevitably leads to a woman kidding herself — big-time.
Office romance
Yes, falling for a co-worker can be both fun and exciting. And no, don't let it happen.
Swipe left
Using hookup sites like Tinder a "true love" tool is a misguided undertaking.
Woo me now
Putting a premium on men who pique your lust is anything but a surefire way to lasting love.
Relationship buckets
As not what you can do for your man, ask what your man can (and will) do for you.
Waiting for someone you're in love with "to come around" is a fool's errand in almost all circumstances.